Joy in the Midst of Tragedy March 7, 2012
One of our grandsons was diagnosed with Leukaemia on August 26, 2009. That was the hardest day his parents had ever faced. My husband Weyburn, and I have faced many difficulties in our 40 years of marriage, but this was the worst. This crisis was not caused by any one's wrong choice, or the result of any one's carelessness. This was something that we could do nothing to correct or make right. But God is faithful. He proved Himself again and again over the following months and years. Lessons God had previously taught me were the lessons that I leaned upon during this time.
Several years ago Proverbs 4:20 – 27 was brought to my attention through a Christian novel I was reading. I have studied these verses many times since and each time God shows me new Biblical principles to apply to my life, and new promises that give me hope for the future.
Mothers (and Grandmothers) like to be in control, to be in charge, or at least be able to fix what is wrong. So when I read these verses in Proverbs 4, they resonated with me. The first time I studied them I saw six steps I could take to have victory over situations in my life. There was something I could “Do”. I’ve discovered since that first study that there are actually seven steps. They are steps that the Lord has had me apply to many areas of my life.
Over the next several weeks I will share those steps and the lessons I have learned. I hope that you come back and visit often as I write about them here. I challenge you to read these verses and see what God says to you through them. If you want to share what you have learned with me, I would love to hear from you at [email protected].
Preparation for Steps to Joy and Victory: “Why?” March 22, 2012
The following verses from Proverbs continually warm my heart, and at the same time, they nudge and guide me into right living and thinking. The result is a deep-rooted Joy. A joy not based on the circumstances in my life, but on my choice to live joyfully in spite of my circumstances. Let’s read the verses together.
Proverbs 4: 20 – 27
My son (daughter), pay attention to what I say;
listen closely to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man's (woman’s) whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet
and take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right or the left;
keep your foot from evil.
At first reading, this may seem like just a list of do’s and don’ts, and no one wants another list of rules. Rules are much easier to follow if we know “why” we should follow them. Child rearing specialists advocate the importance of not just giving the rules, but explaining why the rules are important. God tells us why He gives this list in verse 22.
“for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man's (woman’s) whole body.”
Millions of dollars a year are spent on health and fitness. God’s word even indicates that health and fitness are important to our well being. However, in these verses, He is giving us some clues to better health that have nothing to do with what we eat, nor if we exercise. When we follow His steps, we will experience better health for the whole body. This is the “why”.
I believe we do not, and can not know or understand how God works all of the time. Here God promises life and health to the whole body. I believe He is referring to physical health and spiritual health. If we follow His Word we will experience better health in all areas of our life. We may not experience perfect physical health, but it will certainly be better. We will delve deeper into this verse when we come to Step 2.
If you have not already done so, read these verses several times, and write down what God is saying to you through them.
Be sure to sign up for the website updates. I will let you know when I publish each new article.
I pray that you know God’s peace today,
1. Pay Attention To God: April 7, 2012
Proverbs 4:20
“My son (daughter), pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words.”
God speaks the words “pay attention” or “listen” four times in chapter 4, three times in chapter 5, and twice in chapter 7.
Yes, sometimes I do not pay close attention to God. Sometimes, like a disobedient child, I need to be reminded to listen. Have you ever taken a child’s face in your hands and said to them, “look at me”, “Pay attention to what I am saying”? When I read these chapters that is what I picture. God is holding my face in His hands and saying, “Debi, pay close attention to me.”
There have been many times God has had to stop me, and say “Debi, pay attention to me. I have something important to say, and you need to listen very carefully.” The day that we received Jon-Marc’s diagnosis of Leukemia was such a day. The lessons and life principles I had learned from Proverbs 4 had become such a part of my thinking that by this time I was able to rely on them and use them almost automatically. That afternoon, sitting in the hospital with Jon-Marc and his parents, I once again listened for God’s voice, and for His direction. During those hours, God renewed a hunger and thirst for His Word in my heart.
The next morning, and almost every morning for the next year, I spent searching scripture to help calm my heart, to help me make sense of what was happening, and to give me hope for the future. I heard God through the words that He spoke to the writers of the Bible hundreds of years before. The most reliable source of information is from a first hand source. The most reliable place to find out what God has to say is to read it myself from His Word. Reading, meditating and memorizing God’s Word for myself is the best way for me to pay attention to Him. The truths I discover for myself, are the truths that I will be able to use most effectively.
I have been told that there is the Chinese word pronounced “ting”. It is made up of four other characters that represent the Mind, Heart, Ears and Eyes. It means to listen, hear, understand and obey. I see it as “Total Body Listening.”
Does God have your face in His hands? Is He trying to get your attention? Listen to Him, pay attention, really hear what He has to say, ask Him to help you understand, and then obey Him.
The lessons He has to teach you, the love He wants to express to you will calm your fears, warm your heart and help you to face any difficulty you may have today.
2. Know God’s Word – The Directive April 23, 2012
Proverbs 4: 21
Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart;
The next step God taught me while reading Proverbs 4:20 – 27 comes from verses 21 & 22. Today we will consider verse 21.
Throughout Scripture we are encouraged to read, understand and obey God’s Word. Psalm 119 is filled with promises and blessings that we may count on when we obey God’s Word, as well as warnings of the consequences of not heeding its admonitions.
I have always found it hard to memorize scripture, but it seems even harder the older I become. Our Romania Mission team has determined to memorize Psalm 46 in preparation for our trip. This will be the focus of our teaching while we are there. Memorizing this passage seems like an impossible task. But I know from experience that God will be able to bring His memorized Word to mind so that its instructions and promises will guide me during situations in my life.
One such passage is Philippines 4:4-8. I committed this verse to memory as a very young wife and mom. I had the tendency to have a bad attitude, and these verses helped me to refocus and clear my mind of sinful thinking. This made me a happier person, but also brought much more peace into our family.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
God has used these verses in a variety of ways since then. Scripture is like that. A particular passage of scripture will help us in many different types of situations. The only way that the verses can be available to us is if they are embedded in our heart and mind. Then the principles they teach will become a part of our DNA.
Here are a few samples of the scriptures from Psalm 119 and their instruction.
Ask the Lord today to help you choose a verse or verses to memorize. Begin by reading them several times. Pray it, and begin to memorize it. There are great resources on techniques for memorization available on the internet. Begin today and you will experience God’s power in new ways.
2. Know God’s Word – The Benefits May 4, 2012
Proverbs 4: 22
“for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's (or woman’s) whole body.”
This verse gives me good reasons for having God’s Word embedded into my heart and mind. It gives me the reason to have it become part of my DNA.
Preventions and cures are the focus of much of commerce today. In fact, last September I took out a membership with a local health facility. I had joined a similar gym years ago, but this time it seems to be different. The program seems to be something that really works for me. However, no matter how successful my exercise program or the change in my eating habit, nothing replaces the effect of really knowing, and obeying God’s Word. Like many women, there was a time when my emotions were particularly unsteady. God created me this way. Sometimes I was up, and sometimes I was down. Keeping God’s Word at the centre of my being, at the centre of my day, helped me to face those confusing times.
Knowing God’s Word and then obeying it brought peace in the middle of the turmoil of our life when Jon-Marc was first diagnosed with leukaemia Having God’s Word at the center of our life brought joy during circumstances that would normally have crushed our souls. Deep-seated peace and joy results in benefits for our emotional and physical health.
Prepare today for the turmoil that will come tomorrow. Begin to read, meditate and memorize God’s Word. Know it…and obey it, and God will fill you with the peace and joy that will sustain you through any difficulty that comes your way.
3. Guard my Affections May 18, 2012
Proverbs 4: 23
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
“Above all else” God tells me that the most important thing I am to do is to “guard my heart”. The Heart represents my affections. The things I hold dear. The things I “love”. The things I spend my time doing. When my heart and affection are focused on good, worthwhile pursuits, things in God’s scope of importance, I will enjoy the “wellspring” of life. Like a natural spring, He will provide me with an unending source of life and joy.
What do I love?
Where do my deepest affections lie?
Are they on God, and the people whom He has created?
Or are they on the things of this world that will not last?
Where do I spend my time? And my money?
Do these things reflect my love of Christ?
This was the prayer of my heart during the early months of Jon-Marc’s treatment.
Dear Lord, help me to guard my heart. Help me to love what you love, and spend time doing the important things, not just those things that are fun for a little while. There are so many ways our hearts need to be guarded. Jon-Marc’s heart needs to be guarded against bitterness and anger. Lord, when You help Jon-Marc to beat this cancer, and he grows up, help him to be able to look back and see Your hand in every step. Help him to recognize your tender love and touch, and be a stronger man of God because of it.
Today I can say that we do not see any bitterness in Jon-Marc. Granted, it is only two years later, and he is only 6 years old. However, he is a very happy little guy. God is in the process of answering our prayers.
4. Control My Conversation: June 1, 2012
Proverbs 4: 24
“Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.”
I must continually “pay attention” to my talk. I have never used foul language, but I have hurt people with my words. Oh, not usually on purpose, but by not thinking before I speak. Sometimes I am too quick to criticize, or find fault in a person or situation. Sometimes, my words do not “translate” in the way I intended.
Just today, I needed to ask the Lord to control my mouth and my conversation. I was in a situation at the gym that was completely unnecessary. It was only by remembering that I need to exhibit God’s grace that I was able to keep quiet. During other times, when I have given in to my natural behaviour, I have made it difficult for others to trust what I say, and believe that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. How vitally important it is to ask the Lord to keep a guard on our tongues.
Are the words coming out of my mouth displaying the grace God has called me to exhibit?
#5 Fix My Gaze June 15, 2012
Proverbs 4: 25
Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.
Two weeks ago I wrote about Proverbs 4:24 and shared that I need to be careful that my mouth does not get me into trouble. Today I am looking at Proverbs 4:25. Here God instructs readers to keep their eyes straight ahead so they aren’t led in the wrong direction. There are so many beautiful, and yes, enticing things to enjoy and indulge in. After all, God created us to see and enjoy His creation. He gave us “eyes to see and ears to hear.” Sight is a precious gift of God. Our eyes deliver many delightful pleasures.
My husband and I just returned from a quick trip to Lancaster County, PA and were tempted on all sides with the delicious food of the Amish and Mennonites. I had to Fix My Gaze on my weight loss goal to remind myself that giving in to temptation isn’t worth it. I chose smaller portions so that I was still able to enjoy the food I wanted to eat. However, most of the trouble my straying eyes get me into is because my eyes move off of Christ and onto things that have much worse consequences than gaining a few unwanted pounds.
The clothes I wear, what I choose to do during my “spare” time, and my attitude in situations that “go against the grain”, are all evidence as to where I have my eyes focused. They are all evidence as to what I am using as the guiding principles of my life.
Sometimes my eyes are distracted when I look around and see things that make me fearful, or are difficult. Life brings daily challenges; bad medical reports, loss of employment, people who are hard to get along with. During the grim days of Jon-Marc’s treatment for leukemia it would have been so easy for me to be angry and discouraged. But, Fixing My Gaze each morning on God’s Word helped me to “rejoice in all things.” I couldn’t rejoice because our dear little grandson was suffering, but I was able to rejoice in the growth of character I saw developing in Jon-Marc’s parents and brothers. Fixing My Gaze on Christ gave me the strength to wake each morning knowing the day was in His hands, no matter what was happening.
Fix Your Gaze on Jesus Christ today. Read God’s word. Meditate on it. Claim one of His promises for you today and ask Him to lead you through the difficult situation you are facing.
If there is anything I can pray with you about, or if you just need to talk, contact me at [email protected].
#6 Watch My Step June 28, 2012
Proverbs 4: 26
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.
I remember the first time I sprained my ankle. We were with my mom’s family enjoying a Clinard family picnic. Uncle Ken had recently purchased property on a nearby river. If I remember correctly, this was a pretty desolate piece of land consisting of tall grass with nothing to keep young children occupied. My cousins and I were left to find our own entertainment. There was either a large bolder or hill that we found to jump from. The ground on which we were landing was very uneven, so that when I took my first jump, my foot twisted as I landed. That ended my fun for the day. I’m not even sure I told anyone, and no one suspected there was anything wrong because it was not unusual for me to sit on the sidelines and watch others having fun.
Since then there have been many times that I neglected to “Watch My Step”…the uneven surface of a downtown main street during the busy Christmas shopping season, the groundhog hole I didn’t see while hanging up my laundry, and the loose stones and hidden tree roots along the paths I walk in the nearby bush. Even the small stones and pebbles on a pathway can case me to loose my solid footing.
I have finally learned to follow the warning in Proverbs 4:26. I make sure I walk on firm ground. I have also learned to “Watch My Step” as I live each day. The cracks in the road, holes in the ground, and the roots in the pathway are sometimes harder to identify during my day to day living. They will show themselves as incompetent sales people, slow drivers, or inconsiderate family members.
You may not have a tendency to be impatient, demanding or critical, and if not, I commend you. However I must continually keep these bad attitudes and sinful behaviours in check. There is a verse in scripture that helps me keep my feet walking on level paths. Philippians 2:5 “Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus.” Another version states it this way, “Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus.” My thoughts, attitudes and state of mind are to be like Christ. When I imitate Him I walk on solid ground. The small upsets in life won’t trip me up. Then when the larger challenges come I’m where I need to be; on my feet, and not struggling to get back up.
We had a family pot-luck lunch recently. What a joy to be able to be able to forget the struggles of Jon-Marc’s leukemia and treatments. Each family member, from his parents and brothers, to aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and great grandparents had to continually place their feet on the solid ground of trust in Jesus Christ and His Word.
#7 Keep From Evil July 12, 2012
Proverbs 4: 27
Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
I’m a list person. I do my best work with a list nearby. There is a list for groceries, chores, projects, and travel preparations. I have lists at the office with schedules and procedures. When our children were still living at home, they would groan when I would bring out my lists or create a new family schedule for tasks and chores. But today, most of these same five children follow my example and value having a plan to follow. Even my sanguine, ‘go with the flow’ husband is glad for my lists. The other day, as we were driving, he said “Debi, will you start a list of the things we need to do when we get to the trailer?”
My lists help me to stay on course. They help me to not get distracted by the many things that call for my attention. They give me a feeling of accomplishment. My lists, charts and schedules show me where I started from, and remind me how far I have come.
Today there is one thing on my list; finish this lesson. Even as I write this instalment of “Words to Treasure”, I need to remember that today is the day I want to send this to my editor for corrections and suggestions. I have found a quiet corner, and put aside the temptation to watch TV, see what’s happening on Facebook, catch up on email, finish the book I am reading, and see what happens next in the new book I started today. None of these things are bad in themselves, but anything that takes me away from what I know God wants me to do at this moment, is evil.
Yes, I feel this website and these lessons through “Words to Treasure” is a ministry that God has put on my heart for this season in my life. So anything, and everything that distracts me from accomplishing God’s Will, is wrong for me to do today.
We all need a map to follow, and guidelines to live by. I have found the guidelines in God’s scripture to be the compass I need to stay on course. His Word has never taken me in the wrong direction. God tells me in 1 Peter 5:8 exactly how to stay away from evil.
“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (NIV1984)
I’ve learned to be alert by understanding what distracts me. I’ve learned that when I am self-controlled, and remove those distractions, I am able to hear from God. I am then able to avoid falling into the traps the “roaring lion” has set for me. It is only when I pay attention and conduct myself in this manner that I am able to live for my Lord and be effective in His ministry.
Keeping my feet on the path, not going right or left helps me to accomplish the last step found in these verses - Keep from evil.
Looking Back:
How did I find “Joy in Tragedy” during the months of Jon-Marc’s treatment for Leukemia? I could only do this with God’s help and by making the principles found in Proverbs 4:20 - 27 a part of my DNA.
My prayer for you today, is that you will find joy in spite of your difficult life circumstance. My prayer is for you to find out how God is able to fill every need in your life, so that the “roaring lion” will not devour you.
As always, I would love to pray with you about anything. Even if you just give me your first name, and ask for “prayer”. God knows the details. When two or three come together and pray, God hears and answers. Not always as we expect or desire, but He does answer, and He is willing to give us the grace to live through the circumstances. But, that is a whole other lesson.
May you know God’s never ending love and peace today.
One of our grandsons was diagnosed with Leukaemia on August 26, 2009. That was the hardest day his parents had ever faced. My husband Weyburn, and I have faced many difficulties in our 40 years of marriage, but this was the worst. This crisis was not caused by any one's wrong choice, or the result of any one's carelessness. This was something that we could do nothing to correct or make right. But God is faithful. He proved Himself again and again over the following months and years. Lessons God had previously taught me were the lessons that I leaned upon during this time.
Several years ago Proverbs 4:20 – 27 was brought to my attention through a Christian novel I was reading. I have studied these verses many times since and each time God shows me new Biblical principles to apply to my life, and new promises that give me hope for the future.
Mothers (and Grandmothers) like to be in control, to be in charge, or at least be able to fix what is wrong. So when I read these verses in Proverbs 4, they resonated with me. The first time I studied them I saw six steps I could take to have victory over situations in my life. There was something I could “Do”. I’ve discovered since that first study that there are actually seven steps. They are steps that the Lord has had me apply to many areas of my life.
Over the next several weeks I will share those steps and the lessons I have learned. I hope that you come back and visit often as I write about them here. I challenge you to read these verses and see what God says to you through them. If you want to share what you have learned with me, I would love to hear from you at [email protected].
Preparation for Steps to Joy and Victory: “Why?” March 22, 2012
The following verses from Proverbs continually warm my heart, and at the same time, they nudge and guide me into right living and thinking. The result is a deep-rooted Joy. A joy not based on the circumstances in my life, but on my choice to live joyfully in spite of my circumstances. Let’s read the verses together.
Proverbs 4: 20 – 27
My son (daughter), pay attention to what I say;
listen closely to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man's (woman’s) whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet
and take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right or the left;
keep your foot from evil.
At first reading, this may seem like just a list of do’s and don’ts, and no one wants another list of rules. Rules are much easier to follow if we know “why” we should follow them. Child rearing specialists advocate the importance of not just giving the rules, but explaining why the rules are important. God tells us why He gives this list in verse 22.
“for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man's (woman’s) whole body.”
Millions of dollars a year are spent on health and fitness. God’s word even indicates that health and fitness are important to our well being. However, in these verses, He is giving us some clues to better health that have nothing to do with what we eat, nor if we exercise. When we follow His steps, we will experience better health for the whole body. This is the “why”.
I believe we do not, and can not know or understand how God works all of the time. Here God promises life and health to the whole body. I believe He is referring to physical health and spiritual health. If we follow His Word we will experience better health in all areas of our life. We may not experience perfect physical health, but it will certainly be better. We will delve deeper into this verse when we come to Step 2.
If you have not already done so, read these verses several times, and write down what God is saying to you through them.
Be sure to sign up for the website updates. I will let you know when I publish each new article.
I pray that you know God’s peace today,
1. Pay Attention To God: April 7, 2012
Proverbs 4:20
“My son (daughter), pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words.”
God speaks the words “pay attention” or “listen” four times in chapter 4, three times in chapter 5, and twice in chapter 7.
Yes, sometimes I do not pay close attention to God. Sometimes, like a disobedient child, I need to be reminded to listen. Have you ever taken a child’s face in your hands and said to them, “look at me”, “Pay attention to what I am saying”? When I read these chapters that is what I picture. God is holding my face in His hands and saying, “Debi, pay close attention to me.”
There have been many times God has had to stop me, and say “Debi, pay attention to me. I have something important to say, and you need to listen very carefully.” The day that we received Jon-Marc’s diagnosis of Leukemia was such a day. The lessons and life principles I had learned from Proverbs 4 had become such a part of my thinking that by this time I was able to rely on them and use them almost automatically. That afternoon, sitting in the hospital with Jon-Marc and his parents, I once again listened for God’s voice, and for His direction. During those hours, God renewed a hunger and thirst for His Word in my heart.
The next morning, and almost every morning for the next year, I spent searching scripture to help calm my heart, to help me make sense of what was happening, and to give me hope for the future. I heard God through the words that He spoke to the writers of the Bible hundreds of years before. The most reliable source of information is from a first hand source. The most reliable place to find out what God has to say is to read it myself from His Word. Reading, meditating and memorizing God’s Word for myself is the best way for me to pay attention to Him. The truths I discover for myself, are the truths that I will be able to use most effectively.
I have been told that there is the Chinese word pronounced “ting”. It is made up of four other characters that represent the Mind, Heart, Ears and Eyes. It means to listen, hear, understand and obey. I see it as “Total Body Listening.”
Does God have your face in His hands? Is He trying to get your attention? Listen to Him, pay attention, really hear what He has to say, ask Him to help you understand, and then obey Him.
The lessons He has to teach you, the love He wants to express to you will calm your fears, warm your heart and help you to face any difficulty you may have today.
2. Know God’s Word – The Directive April 23, 2012
Proverbs 4: 21
Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart;
The next step God taught me while reading Proverbs 4:20 – 27 comes from verses 21 & 22. Today we will consider verse 21.
Throughout Scripture we are encouraged to read, understand and obey God’s Word. Psalm 119 is filled with promises and blessings that we may count on when we obey God’s Word, as well as warnings of the consequences of not heeding its admonitions.
I have always found it hard to memorize scripture, but it seems even harder the older I become. Our Romania Mission team has determined to memorize Psalm 46 in preparation for our trip. This will be the focus of our teaching while we are there. Memorizing this passage seems like an impossible task. But I know from experience that God will be able to bring His memorized Word to mind so that its instructions and promises will guide me during situations in my life.
One such passage is Philippines 4:4-8. I committed this verse to memory as a very young wife and mom. I had the tendency to have a bad attitude, and these verses helped me to refocus and clear my mind of sinful thinking. This made me a happier person, but also brought much more peace into our family.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
God has used these verses in a variety of ways since then. Scripture is like that. A particular passage of scripture will help us in many different types of situations. The only way that the verses can be available to us is if they are embedded in our heart and mind. Then the principles they teach will become a part of our DNA.
Here are a few samples of the scriptures from Psalm 119 and their instruction.
- Ps 119:15 “I meditate on your precepts day and night”
- Ps 119:18 “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”
- Ps 119: 24 “Your statutes are my delight; they are my counsellors.”
- Ps 119:11 “Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you”
Ask the Lord today to help you choose a verse or verses to memorize. Begin by reading them several times. Pray it, and begin to memorize it. There are great resources on techniques for memorization available on the internet. Begin today and you will experience God’s power in new ways.
2. Know God’s Word – The Benefits May 4, 2012
Proverbs 4: 22
“for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's (or woman’s) whole body.”
This verse gives me good reasons for having God’s Word embedded into my heart and mind. It gives me the reason to have it become part of my DNA.
Preventions and cures are the focus of much of commerce today. In fact, last September I took out a membership with a local health facility. I had joined a similar gym years ago, but this time it seems to be different. The program seems to be something that really works for me. However, no matter how successful my exercise program or the change in my eating habit, nothing replaces the effect of really knowing, and obeying God’s Word. Like many women, there was a time when my emotions were particularly unsteady. God created me this way. Sometimes I was up, and sometimes I was down. Keeping God’s Word at the centre of my being, at the centre of my day, helped me to face those confusing times.
Knowing God’s Word and then obeying it brought peace in the middle of the turmoil of our life when Jon-Marc was first diagnosed with leukaemia Having God’s Word at the center of our life brought joy during circumstances that would normally have crushed our souls. Deep-seated peace and joy results in benefits for our emotional and physical health.
Prepare today for the turmoil that will come tomorrow. Begin to read, meditate and memorize God’s Word. Know it…and obey it, and God will fill you with the peace and joy that will sustain you through any difficulty that comes your way.
3. Guard my Affections May 18, 2012
Proverbs 4: 23
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
“Above all else” God tells me that the most important thing I am to do is to “guard my heart”. The Heart represents my affections. The things I hold dear. The things I “love”. The things I spend my time doing. When my heart and affection are focused on good, worthwhile pursuits, things in God’s scope of importance, I will enjoy the “wellspring” of life. Like a natural spring, He will provide me with an unending source of life and joy.
What do I love?
Where do my deepest affections lie?
Are they on God, and the people whom He has created?
Or are they on the things of this world that will not last?
Where do I spend my time? And my money?
Do these things reflect my love of Christ?
This was the prayer of my heart during the early months of Jon-Marc’s treatment.
Dear Lord, help me to guard my heart. Help me to love what you love, and spend time doing the important things, not just those things that are fun for a little while. There are so many ways our hearts need to be guarded. Jon-Marc’s heart needs to be guarded against bitterness and anger. Lord, when You help Jon-Marc to beat this cancer, and he grows up, help him to be able to look back and see Your hand in every step. Help him to recognize your tender love and touch, and be a stronger man of God because of it.
Today I can say that we do not see any bitterness in Jon-Marc. Granted, it is only two years later, and he is only 6 years old. However, he is a very happy little guy. God is in the process of answering our prayers.
4. Control My Conversation: June 1, 2012
Proverbs 4: 24
“Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.”
I must continually “pay attention” to my talk. I have never used foul language, but I have hurt people with my words. Oh, not usually on purpose, but by not thinking before I speak. Sometimes I am too quick to criticize, or find fault in a person or situation. Sometimes, my words do not “translate” in the way I intended.
Just today, I needed to ask the Lord to control my mouth and my conversation. I was in a situation at the gym that was completely unnecessary. It was only by remembering that I need to exhibit God’s grace that I was able to keep quiet. During other times, when I have given in to my natural behaviour, I have made it difficult for others to trust what I say, and believe that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. How vitally important it is to ask the Lord to keep a guard on our tongues.
Are the words coming out of my mouth displaying the grace God has called me to exhibit?
#5 Fix My Gaze June 15, 2012
Proverbs 4: 25
Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.
Two weeks ago I wrote about Proverbs 4:24 and shared that I need to be careful that my mouth does not get me into trouble. Today I am looking at Proverbs 4:25. Here God instructs readers to keep their eyes straight ahead so they aren’t led in the wrong direction. There are so many beautiful, and yes, enticing things to enjoy and indulge in. After all, God created us to see and enjoy His creation. He gave us “eyes to see and ears to hear.” Sight is a precious gift of God. Our eyes deliver many delightful pleasures.
My husband and I just returned from a quick trip to Lancaster County, PA and were tempted on all sides with the delicious food of the Amish and Mennonites. I had to Fix My Gaze on my weight loss goal to remind myself that giving in to temptation isn’t worth it. I chose smaller portions so that I was still able to enjoy the food I wanted to eat. However, most of the trouble my straying eyes get me into is because my eyes move off of Christ and onto things that have much worse consequences than gaining a few unwanted pounds.
The clothes I wear, what I choose to do during my “spare” time, and my attitude in situations that “go against the grain”, are all evidence as to where I have my eyes focused. They are all evidence as to what I am using as the guiding principles of my life.
Sometimes my eyes are distracted when I look around and see things that make me fearful, or are difficult. Life brings daily challenges; bad medical reports, loss of employment, people who are hard to get along with. During the grim days of Jon-Marc’s treatment for leukemia it would have been so easy for me to be angry and discouraged. But, Fixing My Gaze each morning on God’s Word helped me to “rejoice in all things.” I couldn’t rejoice because our dear little grandson was suffering, but I was able to rejoice in the growth of character I saw developing in Jon-Marc’s parents and brothers. Fixing My Gaze on Christ gave me the strength to wake each morning knowing the day was in His hands, no matter what was happening.
Fix Your Gaze on Jesus Christ today. Read God’s word. Meditate on it. Claim one of His promises for you today and ask Him to lead you through the difficult situation you are facing.
If there is anything I can pray with you about, or if you just need to talk, contact me at [email protected].
#6 Watch My Step June 28, 2012
Proverbs 4: 26
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.
I remember the first time I sprained my ankle. We were with my mom’s family enjoying a Clinard family picnic. Uncle Ken had recently purchased property on a nearby river. If I remember correctly, this was a pretty desolate piece of land consisting of tall grass with nothing to keep young children occupied. My cousins and I were left to find our own entertainment. There was either a large bolder or hill that we found to jump from. The ground on which we were landing was very uneven, so that when I took my first jump, my foot twisted as I landed. That ended my fun for the day. I’m not even sure I told anyone, and no one suspected there was anything wrong because it was not unusual for me to sit on the sidelines and watch others having fun.
Since then there have been many times that I neglected to “Watch My Step”…the uneven surface of a downtown main street during the busy Christmas shopping season, the groundhog hole I didn’t see while hanging up my laundry, and the loose stones and hidden tree roots along the paths I walk in the nearby bush. Even the small stones and pebbles on a pathway can case me to loose my solid footing.
I have finally learned to follow the warning in Proverbs 4:26. I make sure I walk on firm ground. I have also learned to “Watch My Step” as I live each day. The cracks in the road, holes in the ground, and the roots in the pathway are sometimes harder to identify during my day to day living. They will show themselves as incompetent sales people, slow drivers, or inconsiderate family members.
You may not have a tendency to be impatient, demanding or critical, and if not, I commend you. However I must continually keep these bad attitudes and sinful behaviours in check. There is a verse in scripture that helps me keep my feet walking on level paths. Philippians 2:5 “Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus.” Another version states it this way, “Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus.” My thoughts, attitudes and state of mind are to be like Christ. When I imitate Him I walk on solid ground. The small upsets in life won’t trip me up. Then when the larger challenges come I’m where I need to be; on my feet, and not struggling to get back up.
We had a family pot-luck lunch recently. What a joy to be able to be able to forget the struggles of Jon-Marc’s leukemia and treatments. Each family member, from his parents and brothers, to aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and great grandparents had to continually place their feet on the solid ground of trust in Jesus Christ and His Word.
#7 Keep From Evil July 12, 2012
Proverbs 4: 27
Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
I’m a list person. I do my best work with a list nearby. There is a list for groceries, chores, projects, and travel preparations. I have lists at the office with schedules and procedures. When our children were still living at home, they would groan when I would bring out my lists or create a new family schedule for tasks and chores. But today, most of these same five children follow my example and value having a plan to follow. Even my sanguine, ‘go with the flow’ husband is glad for my lists. The other day, as we were driving, he said “Debi, will you start a list of the things we need to do when we get to the trailer?”
My lists help me to stay on course. They help me to not get distracted by the many things that call for my attention. They give me a feeling of accomplishment. My lists, charts and schedules show me where I started from, and remind me how far I have come.
Today there is one thing on my list; finish this lesson. Even as I write this instalment of “Words to Treasure”, I need to remember that today is the day I want to send this to my editor for corrections and suggestions. I have found a quiet corner, and put aside the temptation to watch TV, see what’s happening on Facebook, catch up on email, finish the book I am reading, and see what happens next in the new book I started today. None of these things are bad in themselves, but anything that takes me away from what I know God wants me to do at this moment, is evil.
Yes, I feel this website and these lessons through “Words to Treasure” is a ministry that God has put on my heart for this season in my life. So anything, and everything that distracts me from accomplishing God’s Will, is wrong for me to do today.
We all need a map to follow, and guidelines to live by. I have found the guidelines in God’s scripture to be the compass I need to stay on course. His Word has never taken me in the wrong direction. God tells me in 1 Peter 5:8 exactly how to stay away from evil.
“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (NIV1984)
I’ve learned to be alert by understanding what distracts me. I’ve learned that when I am self-controlled, and remove those distractions, I am able to hear from God. I am then able to avoid falling into the traps the “roaring lion” has set for me. It is only when I pay attention and conduct myself in this manner that I am able to live for my Lord and be effective in His ministry.
Keeping my feet on the path, not going right or left helps me to accomplish the last step found in these verses - Keep from evil.
Looking Back:
How did I find “Joy in Tragedy” during the months of Jon-Marc’s treatment for Leukemia? I could only do this with God’s help and by making the principles found in Proverbs 4:20 - 27 a part of my DNA.
- Pay Attention to God
- Know God’s Word
- Guard My Affections
- Control My Conversations
- Fix My Gaze
- Watch My Steps
- Keep From Evil
My prayer for you today, is that you will find joy in spite of your difficult life circumstance. My prayer is for you to find out how God is able to fill every need in your life, so that the “roaring lion” will not devour you.
As always, I would love to pray with you about anything. Even if you just give me your first name, and ask for “prayer”. God knows the details. When two or three come together and pray, God hears and answers. Not always as we expect or desire, but He does answer, and He is willing to give us the grace to live through the circumstances. But, that is a whole other lesson.
May you know God’s never ending love and peace today.