Most things in life change. Our age changes slowly year by year. Our health can change in what seems like a moment. Our job security and income may change at any time for a multitude of reasons. There are few things we can depend upon to stay the same.
The other day I asked my Facebook friends “what can you absolutely depend upon.” There were only four who saw my post and responded. It was wonderful to see that they all said they could absolutely depend upon their husbands. They listed various admirable qualities. I know their answer is not true for everyone, but what a wonderful testimony to those men. I know these four women better than some of my Facebook friends, so I know they are speaking from truthful hearts. Most of us do have a few friends or family who are dependable and steadfast. They can be called upon to help when we ask. They even surprise us with unexpected gifts of time and sacrifice. I have a feeling, however, that there are times when even the most faithful friends may disappoint us. Verse 41 declares to us that the Lord is “steadfast.” We can depend upon Him, because His love for us will never waiver nor change. “Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord, Your salvation according to your promise.” Psalm 119:41 We may not understand God’s leading or timing, but we are able to depend upon His love, faithfulness, and the fact that He will always have our best interests in mind. The words of an old gospel song came to me when I read that verse. I tried to find the author, but even Google did not produce an answer. There are a few newer songs with similar words. Here is the song I know. The world may end tomorrow, the sun refuse to shine Stars may cease to twinkle, the rivers may run dry The Mountains high and mighty may crumble to the ground But Jesus is my fortress in Him my hope is found He never changes, He just the same. Now and forever, He will remain. Though heaven and earth will pass away One thing is sure, God is eternal, in Him I’m secure Spring will change to summer, summer into fall Fall will bring the winter, time will change it all Only the Love of Jesus, will live forever more Through the endless ages His promises are sure He never changes, He’s just the same. Now and forever, He will remain. Though heaven and earth will pass away One thing is sure, God is eternal, in Him I’m secure Our world has changed. God has not. His love and hope are available to all who call upon him. Read Psalm 119: 41 – 56. How is God speaking to you today about His love and hope? What changes are you facing that God addresses in Psalm 119: 41-56? Take hope in these verses that also tell of God’s steadfast, never-changing character and attributes. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8 “…I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” Jeremiah 31:3b ”The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations. Psalm 33:11 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Rev 1:8 Trust in our never changing steadfast God.
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